From journalist Maggie Freleng and the Obsessed Network

On the morning of November 5 1986, 21-year-old Scott Macklem, a student at St. Clair Community College, was gunned down near his car in the school parking lot. Almost immediately, Temujin Kensu was homed in on as a suspect. The victim's fiancé had dated Kensu months earlier. An eyewitness also identified Kensu, who was tried and convicted of first degree murder.
However, Kensu has at least 10 witnesses stating that he was 450 miles away from the murder when it took place and there is no physical evidence linking him to the crime. He was convicted through a hypnotized witness, a jailhouse informant and an unsubstantiated plane flight theory. Since his conviction, a retired officer from the same department that helped convict him has now joined his team as a PI and says the more he digs into this case, the more red flags he sees.
Please submit a request to Governor Gretchen Whitmer asking her to grant clemency to Temujin Kensu by going to and click on the “Share My Opinion” link.

UPDATE: Temujin’s clemency application is currently with Governor Gretchen Whitmer. Please use the link above to submit a request to ask her to release Temujin from this wrongful conviction. He is absolutely innocent and even AG Dana Nessel didn’t say he was guilty in her denial letter. Governor Whitmer can prove that the system works by taking action to correct this 36-year old injustice with the stroke of her pen.
Proving Innocence Press Release: Innocent Man Denied Clemency
To write to Temujin:
Temujin Kensu 189355
Macomb Correctional Facility
34625 26 Mile Road
Lenox Township, MI 48048
For other websites and articles on Temujin’s innocence, check out:
Proving Innocence is a Michigan based non-profit that commits to freeing innocent men and women who were wrongfully convicted and imprisoned for crimes they did not commit and assists with their reintegration into society. Proving Innocence has been in support of Temujin Kensu for decades. You can read Temujin’s summary and purchase merchandise here:
Temujin Kensu | Proving Innocence
Actual Innocent Prisoners - refreshed their webpage in May 2022 featuring Temujin Kensu’s wrongful conviction case as the template profile for all other cases because our case has the most varied and voluminous content of all the cases showcased. Check out their website here:
Temujin is showcased on the Michigan Innocence Clinc’s website which is the legal arm of University of Michigan Law School.
Mike Mongan and his late wife, Dorothy who passed in 2020, have been supporters of Temujin Kensu for decades after they met him through a mutual friend who was a supporter of Temujin’s innocence and visited him in prison. In fact, the Mongan’s after hearing of Temujin’s story and supporting his innocence for many years, desired to adopt him as their son. Although the adoption never formally occurred, Mike supports Temujin to this day and over the years constructed and built a chronological timeline of events on a website he maintains here:
Other articles:
May 25, 2022 - Congressman Andy Levin, Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib and Senate Minority Floor Leader Stephanie Chang release a joint statement in support of Temujin Kensu and express disappointment in AG Nessel’s CIU. They urge Governor Whitmer to take prompt action to exonerate.
link: innocence
Joe Oliver penned this May 26, 2022 article in the Flint MLIve article that highlights Paula Kensu’s reaction to the press release put out by Representative Tlaib, Representative Andy Levin and Minority Senate Floor Leader Stephanie Chang.
Link: serving-life-in-prison-for-murder-he-could-not-have-committed.html
On Memorial Day 2022, George Hunter of The Detroit News writes, “Dana Nessel draws Criticism from high-profile supporters over review of ‘86 murder conviction” and the article calls out the multiple discrepancies in the “New Evidence” language provided by Director Frankyl and how that languaged changed without anybody being informed.
Voice of Detroit’s Diane Bukowski wrote this June 4, 2022 article regarding the disappointment advocates expressed in Dana Nessel/Val Newman’s decision to “close” Temujin Kensu’s case and that in doing so, the CIU “betrays all”.
Link: temujin-kensu-say-ciu-has-betrayed-all/
June 15, 2022 - Eddie Allen of The Metro Times did an amazing article calling out the Attorney General Dana Nessel for changing the eligibility criteria on the CIU website.
Link: he-says-he-did-not-commit-a-pardon-from-gov-whitmer-could-be-his-last-hope-for-fre-30310668
Jason Flom and Conor Hall of Wrongful Conviction Podcast, give an excellent concise summary of Temujin’s Wrongful Conviction case. In the episode, they interview Temujin Kensu, Imran Syed and Herb Welser and discuss the shocking decision of AG Nessel to close the case without ruling on innocence. Link: MjcucnNz/episode/ZjBiNWQwMDgtZjFjMy00ZmMzLThkZmYtMmIzNTE0YzZjN2Y5?hl=en&ved=2ahUKEw ilzeaK7Lr4AhXpJkQIHS9bBUwQjrkEegQIAhAF&ep=6
For those who would like to contribute to Temujin’s Go Fund Me account, which will be used to pay for FOIA requests related to his innocence and secure legal counsel, see this link:
For more photos: